Smarter Business With Eddie Powell, MBA Business Bootcamp
Smarter Business With Eddie Powell, MBA Business Bootcamp(c)


Eddie Powell, MBA is a serial entrepreneur and a College Professor teaching Business. Typically, you can learn from one or the other. A third choice is to stumble through starting a business without any training, without a mentor, and fail like so many businesses do. (The U.S. Small Business Administration number reflect over a 90 percent failure rate!)

Face it… The Trump Economy is upon us…


If you don’t have a business of your own… simple put, you are missing out.

What to do?

Eddie Powell’s BUSINESS BOOTCAMP(c) is for you…

You will learn what they teach you in college…


You will learn what the real world teaches you…


…and Eddie Powell, MBA is one of the few that can present both sides, quickly, so you can get moving with YOUR business…

Bring your own business idea…. OR… Come learn of the possibilities that could be yours!


Get more information:


PS – Chambers, Business Groups, Vendors, and others seeking to support rapid business growth… Sponsoring a BUSINESS BOOTCAMP(c) can raise your area to a new level… Let’s talk:



Training Helps!

Think of it… Sales Training Helps Your Sales People Sell For Greater Results.

Diversity Training, Sexual Harassment, Personal Safety, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Advertising Proficiency, Identity Theft, Active Shooter, and much more could improve your people and your business!

I refer to this as:   Customized Training

A course, seminar, series, or full program designed to address your specific needs…

Think.. what are your needs now?





Systems and Processes…

Let’s face it, your organization can probably benefit from Customized Training so it can grow, improve, gain more clients or territory, develop faster products or services (remember, many businesses are built on Speed – think version 2.3 versus version 4.2, etc.)

I can help.

Let’s talk…

PS – Don’t put it off any longer… Business Growth is H U G E right now and your company needs to keep up! Contact me now:

Worth it
Easy? Worth it.. ABSOLUTELY!

Tired of the B.S.?

You Can't Hide!
You Can’t Hide!

Tired of the B.S.?

Every guru in the world has a different “secret”, a new shiny “program” that will totally fix your world, simple stuff that makes everything OK with the simple push of these three buttons…

…OK, let’s cut through the B.S….

…If it’s too good to believe, then your gut is telling you it won’t work… but your head is telling you, “Yep, this might be the one…”


Let me give it to you straight…

…If all that stuff worked, everybody would be doing it!


…I know that was like a slap to the head… but really, how do you think those guru’s made their millions?

It wasn’t by selling or giving away their “secrets”…

OK… here’s some more Truth…

I have been in Marketing and Advertising for a lot of years, even teaching it at College-Level, and KNOW what works…

I know the psychology behind it, the things that work and the things that don’t, and how to test your current methods for maximum results!

Does it work?

Well, I was honored with an award from Suzuki of America for a motorcycle campaign that sold the most motorcycles in America one summer, another client increased bottled water sales 36 percent with my strategies, heck, I was even selected as the U.S. Small Business Administration Journalist of the Year for my efforts in that arena…

But enough of me, what about you?

Are you just starting out or selling 10M worth of product now?

Do you have marketing programs that just are NOT producing returns?

Have your clients gone to the provider down the street and you don’t know why?

Or, gosh darn it, this business of yours is killing you with the hours, decisions, involvement, and trapping you to your chair so you never see your family and can’t remember what a vacation is?

If you said “YES” to any (or all) of those… then we need to talk…FAST!

I can help you get out of all this… and to the freedom, success, and results you have only been dreaming about…


Let’s talk…

Content Writing

Does your business or organization strengthen relationships with your clients with newsletters, ezines, social media, or podcasts? Radio or television in your marketing strategy? Need a sales brochure, catalog, or some materials for your next event?

Your words matter!

It is the difference between being ignored or not only gaining their attention but causing their action.

Sure, some kid in English class can put something together BUT do they understand the psychology behind their choice of words, the message, the tone, and how to gain access to your targeted persons’ top-of-mind awareness?

Yes, that sounds complex… and it is.

That is exactly why you do NOT want to trust your marketing, your message, and your relationships to just anyone.

Hello. I’m Eddie Powell, MBA… I have been the U.S. Small Business Administration Journalist of the Year, won awards for marketing including a radio campaign from Suzuki of America for selling the most motorcycles in America one summer, and another client increased their bottled water sales 36 percent in one month… 

Want to see if I can help you?


Let’s talk…