Many people are looking to make some extra money from home, retired teachers still want to be involved in the lives of children, and even subject matter experts want to educate the next generation with the right information!
Here’s a great place to do all this… simply click on the link below to find out more.. (no obligation)
Smarter Business With Eddie Powell, MBA Business Bootcamp(c)
Eddie Powell, MBA is a serial entrepreneur and a College Professor teaching Business. Typically, you can learn from one or the other. A third choice is to stumble through starting a business without any training, without a mentor, and fail like so many businesses do. (The U.S. Small Business Administration number reflect over a 90 percent failure rate!)
Face it… The Trump Economy is upon us…
If you don’t have a business of your own… simple put, you are missing out.
What to do?
Eddie Powell’s BUSINESS BOOTCAMP(c) is for you…
You will learn what they teach you in college…
You will learn what the real world teaches you…
…and Eddie Powell, MBA is one of the few that can present both sides, quickly, so you can get moving with YOUR business…
Bring your own business idea…. OR… Come learn of the possibilities that could be yours!
Get more information:
PS – Chambers, Business Groups, Vendors, and others seeking to support rapid business growth… Sponsoring a BUSINESS BOOTCAMP(c) can raise your area to a new level… Let’s talk:
Eddie Powell wrote the book on becoming a Square Dance Caller – So You Want To Be A Caller(c)
Now, Eddie has developed the world’s first online elearning course for Callers… Available anywhere in the world on your computer or mobile device! So You Want To Be A Caller(c) can replace or supplement traditional Caller’s Schools that tend to push a lot of information at you in a short period of time, then simply walk away…
So You Want To Be A Caller(c) Online eLearning is offered in a learning environment that is conducive to your learning style and availability. Modules are fully explained and require homework to be submitted because this further facilitates your learning while providing you accurate choreography that you can begin using with your dancers immediately!
Eddie has been a Square Dance Caller for nearly 50 years, wrote books, taught traditional Caller’s Schools, and realized from his College and Adult Education teaching that Square Dance Caller’s and soon-to-be Caller’s needed this valuable material accessible 24/7/365.
Contact Eddie directly for pricing and to access So You Want To Be A Caller(c) Online eLearning Course