Looking for Low Impact Aerobics? High Cardio? Memory and Retention Improvement? Brain Health?
Yep.. who knew?
Your Doctor Does… Ask ‘Em!
Square Dancing is heart healthy, aerobic, and brain healthy, too!
WAIT… Square Dancing isn’t that old stuff that your Granny did…
…It, too, has changed and progressed… just like YOU!
Yep, new music…
…A greater focus on the choreography and movements rather than the “swap and swinging”…
…As added benefits, Square Dancing is great for networking, making new friends, and allowing your friends and family to join right in, too…
Here’s some other interesting facts:
Square Dancing is the Only Truly AMERICAN Dance Form – dating back to the combining of other dances from the aristocrats of George Washington’s day and the dances of the common folks across the good old U.S.A.
Square Dancing is “called” (directions for the dancers are “calls” from the “caller”) in English around the world – Yep, even our friends in Japan, Germany, or elsewhere around the world “call” in English
Square Dancing is organized, that is, there are clubs, councils, federations, events locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally can participate in… Every dancer is welcome
Square Dancing is no longer “learn by fire” by just getting on the dance floor and “we’ll show you how (read that as we’ll drag you through)” Instead, many clubs and caller’s offer short dance classes aimed at teaching you the movements in a meaningful organized manner. Once you graduate from the lessons, you are welcome to Square Dance anywhere in the world!
Square Dancing is focused on FUN! Yes, there are square dance cruises, dance weekends, dance weeks, vacation resorts in various parts of the U.S.A. and other parts of the world, and dances nearly every night and weekend of the year… somewhere!
If you think this sounds like some FUN that you would like to experience…
Simply email me your name, location, and contact information. We’ll begin a conversation and seek to match you with the most current information in your area on dates and times of events, lessons, caller’s, and all that you will want to know to enter the amazing world of Square Dancing!